Monday, January 27, 2014

My return to blogging - A year of faith, formation, discerning, and encouragment

Hello fellow readers:

It has been quite a long time since my last post - about 9 months! I want to briefly share with you my reasoning for leaving the blogging world (though only being in it for a short time) and why I'm returning.

Since the decision of His Holiness, Benedict XVI, to abdicate the Throne of St. Peter, I, being a faithful adherer and admirer of the Pontiff whom I came under the Church through, was beginning to question what the future of Christ's Church would be under a new pontiff. Was he going to continue the renewal of the sacred liturgy? Was he going to be the educator of the faith to a world that so desperately needs the faith to be taught authentically? Was he going to be a Pontiff whom the liberal Catholics would love or hate? All of these questions I did not know and feared to know the answers to.

At the election of His Holiness, Francis, it only took the first appearance on the balcony in St. Peter's Square for me to understand where the Church was heading. Though since then I have grown to respect him as a Successor of St. Peter, from a convert's perspective who loved the true clarity, direct delivery, and adherence to Catholic tradition of his predecessor, Benedict XVI, I found it hard, and still at times do, due to my own sin, to truly respect His Holiness, Francis. It's just something that I pray, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, will become easier with time.

 So - why have I decided to come back to blogging? Aren't there enough blogs about the sacred liturgy flying about through the trad-Catholic blog-o-sphere? Why would commentary from a graduating senior in college hold any more of a flame than of famous blogs such as "New Liturgical Movement" or "Fr. Z - What the Prayer Really Says" (though he's changed his blog name since then)? I stopped for that very reason and yet I return for that very reason. I'm a young adult Catholic who has got many years left to help in his own special way the return of the reverence and tradition of the sacred liturgy! If there aren't countless of blogs declaring the necessity of the return of the sacred liturgy, "reform of the reform", hermeneutic of continuity, etc., then the "crazy female nun" who runs the liturgy office of any particular diocese or parish would win. The liberal Catholics and their desire for a more Protestant, "inclusive" (my least favorite word) liturgy would win. So what if my post sounds like another trad-Catholic's blog. The fact is....there's more than ONE of us out there! It's rather comforting.

A special thanks goes out to two trad-Catholic Facebook pages, "Adoremus in Aeternum, a Catholic Tradition" and "Church Militant" (not to be confused with ChurchMilitant.TV w/ Michael Voris, though his programing is very good in my book) for posting links to my blog post about "keeping those fingers together". If if you haven't read it, it's probably my post popular blog post. It's over in the right hand corner I'm sure as the top viewed post.

So - it is now official. I am coming out of blogging retirement and back into the fight! I pray that this new motivation and support from my old and new readers will continue to inspire me to right the truth....and nothing but the truth!

God bless, and pray for me, a poor sinner.

Chase Fowler

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us